Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wanker of the Day

Andrew Ross Sorkin Is Impressed By the Patriotism of Tax-Dodging CEOs

Andrew Ross Sorkin.  
The worst form of access journalist, Sorkin is like a robotic fluffer to the wealthy and powerful. 

"I initially believed that the Times headline "Reluctantly, Patriot Flees Homeland for Greener Tax Pastures" was tongue in cheek. After all, a truly patriotic American would not pull their company out of America for the sole purpose of depriving America of tax revenue, would they? Well. I can report to you that this headline is quite serious indeed. Sorkin's story concerns Heather Bresch, the daughter of U.S. Senator Joe Manchin and the CEO of Mylan, a $19 billion company that makes generic drugs. Heather Bresch is a born patriot, you see. She grew up around the flag. Her company was based in Pittsburgh, a real American city. Well—until now. Because Heather Bresch, a true American patriot, is moving her company's residence (for tax purposes) out of America and into the Netherlands."


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