Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Free Debra Harrell

Working Mom Arrested for Letting Her Daughter Play Outside

This is insane.  In a generation or two we've gone from free range kids to kids on permanent lockdown, based not on evidence but on hysteria.

And don't get me started on our broken "workfare" system which has not improved since the tragic subplot of Bowling For Columbine. 

"Debra Harrell is currently in jail because she let her 9-year-old daughter play, unsupervised, in a public park. Almost everything about this story (which I noticed courtesy of Lenore Skenazy) is horrifying. Harrell works at McDonald's. Her daughter used to tag along and stare at a screen at her mother's workplace during the day. She asked to go to the park instead, was discovered to be without an adult, and her mother was arrested. Compounding the horribleness is the news coverage, in which reporters and onlookers alike are united in disgust at Harrell: The story is a convergence of helicopter parenting with America's primitive family policy. Our welfare policy is designed to make everybody, even single mothers, work full-time jobs. The social safety net makes it difficult for low-wage single mothers to obtain adequate child care. And society is seized by bizarre fears that children are routinely snatched up by strangers in public places. The phenomenon is, in fact, nearly as rare as in-person voting fraud. But when you watch the report above, you can see everybody involved believes such a thing plainly happens all the time."


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