Saturday, January 4, 2014

Positive Changes Already

This time, though, shelter restrictions were also eased for homeless families, something advocates say was a problem under Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "If you had families with vulnerable children, they were sometimes turned away on bitterly cold nights like this, so that's very troubling," said Mary Brosnahan of the Coalition for the Homeless. "And it's great that immediately, Bill de Blasio took action and did something quickly to signal a sea change in homeless policy."
This new homeless shelter policy tweak is a change most of us would never notice (and thankfully so).  But for the people affected it is huge.  Glad to see good things are already under way.
This time, though, shelter restrictions were also eased for homeless families, something advocates say was a problem under Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "If you had families with vulnerable children, they were sometimes turned away on bitterly cold nights like this, so that's very troubling," said Mary Brosnahan of the Coalition for the Homeless. "And it's great that immediately, Bill de Blasio took action and did something quickly to signal a sea change in homeless policy."
Longtime readers know my mixed feelings on Bloomberg's administration.  Smoking ban, safer streets, 311, all gems . . .  But this is the sort of thing that I think Bloomberg was incapable of relating to, and sadly it is a large and growing problem.

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