Saturday, January 4, 2014

Big Demolition Man Fan

Let us skip over all the dubious Both Siderism that is summoned up here to justify the notion proposed and get right to the notion itself. Our bending author doth propose that we create a position of First Citizen -- Yes, it sounds alarmingly Caesarian to me, too, but play along -- who will be above politics, and who will unite us, and who will summon into perfect harmony the better angels of our nature, and who will do card tricks and make balloon animals and be available for children's parties, as far as I can tell.
Charles Pierce picks apart the stupidest thing I have ever read.  It reads like a discarded draft backstory for the film Demolition Man, one of the most asinine movies ever made.
Shared from the Digg iPhone app:
Let us skip over all the dubious Both Siderism that is summoned up here to justify the notion proposed and get right to the notion itself. Our bending author doth propose that we create a position of First Citizen -- Yes, it sounds alarmingly Caesarian to me, too, but play along -- who will be above politics, and who will unite us, and who will summon into perfect harmony the better angels of our nature, and who will do card tricks and make balloon animals and be available for children's parties, as far as I can tell.

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