Tuesday, June 3, 2014

GOP Strategists Pushing Bergdahl Attacks

Republican Strategists Are Helping Bowe Bergdahl's Critics Get Their Stories Out
I don't know what to make of this whole situation yet.  But this looks like a despicable, cynical move by a desperate party. 

Attacking Obamacare and Benghazi turned out to be failures, now they're grasping at any straw they can find.  Because they've got nothing to run on. Nothing.

"On Monday, troops that served with or searched for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan came forward to publicly express their anger at the American POW. In interviews with several media outlets, they accused Bergdahl of desertion and blamed him for the deaths of soldiers who were involved in the effort to retrieve him after he was captured by the Taliban. For the most part, they seemed intensely focused on their personal feelings — and not on the increasingly partisan discussion of the prisoner swap that led to Bergdahl's release — but, as the New York Times first reported, "Republican strategists" were responsible for putting some, if not all, of those soldiers in touch with reporters. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that one of those strategists was Capitol Media Partners' Richard Grenell, who previously worked as Mitt Romney's foreign policy spokesman and a Bush administration–era aide to U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. When reached for comment, Grenell's partner, Brad Chase, acknowledged they were helping the soldiers "in getting their story out." He also objected to the characterization of his firm as "Republican," since he himself is not a Republican, though a media booker told BuzzFeed that Grenell was the main point of contact."

The cynicism is enough to shock even me.

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