Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christie Is Toast

Bridgegate II: Chris Christie Has Another Big Bridge Problem

And so is his boy Samson.  Chris Christie is a bully and a thug, and he treated the Port a Authority like NJ's piggy bank.  He cancelled an extremely important interstate rail project so he could ladle the gravy to NJ highway contractors and keep gas taxes artificially low. And on top of that, he funneled Port Authority money to the Pulaski Skyway repairs, which were NJ's responsibility. 

But you know, just a straight-talk in' fiscal conservative.  He's going to break Joe Scarborough's heart. 

"One bridge investigation has led to another for the Chris Christie administration, further diminishing the New Jersey governor's chances of running for president in 2016. (Potential Republican candidates just can't stop getting prosecuted.) In this chapter of the Christie corruption saga, the Manhattan district attorney and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into the administration's use of Port Authority funds (shared between New York and New Jersey) on repairs to the Pulaski Skyway, a bridge connecting Newark and Jersey City (both in New Jersey). There might be felony charges coming."


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