Saturday, May 24, 2014

Primal Fear Remake?

"So there never was a Mikey Suits?"
Representative Michael Grimm Just Couldn't Let Mikey Suits Go
"You disappoint me, Counselor. There never was a Michael Grimm."
"There's no doubt that Representative Michael Grimm, the Staten Island Republican who was recently charged with tax evasion and other crimes committed while running an Upper East Side health food restaurant, has led an interesting life. Perhaps the most colorful aspect of his past is the time he spent working as a FBI agent, when he posed as mobbed-up stockbroker Michael Garabaldi — better known as "Mikey Suits," thanks to his eye-catching wardrobe — in order to investigate insider trading schemes. (The New Yorker chronicled some of Grimm/Garabaldi/Suits's adventures back in 2011.) On Thursday, the New York Daily News reported that Grimm seems to have remained quite attached to his FBI alter ego."


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