Friday, March 14, 2014

Zinger of the Day: "Quid Pro Cuomo"

Morning Read: 'This Is a Clear Quid Pro Cuomo'
A few good reads in here, just skip the NYPost crap.
The Nation took a critical eye towards Eva Moskowitz and the charter school movement. "Since the Brooklyn Bridge rally I find myself in fundamental opposition to what they're doing," said one Success Academy teacher. "It's never been as political as it been now. If this continues going this way it will be very hard for me to stay," said another.
"Of course, things can still shift around substantially as the two chambers of the legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo negotiate the actual budget over the next two weeks. Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver has already panned the charter proposal. "Things in Albany have a way of looking settled," a senior state official told New York magazine recently, "until they're not." Later today, education advocates are set to rally against Mr. Cuomo and the State Senate for wanting to take co-location decisions away from the mayor. "This is a clear Quid Pro Cuomo with charter school lobbyists who are bankrolling the Governor's re-election campaign," said Zakiyah Ansari, Advocacy Director of the Alliance for Quality Education."
Will be interesting to watch this charter school issue play out this year.  

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