Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Renewed LICH Bidding Process Up and Running

More great coverage of the LICH saga at the Brooklyn Eagle.  Things are looking up.  My hat is off to the community ggroups that have fought so hard, and continue to fight to make LICH a success story instead of a tragedy.  CGNA has been proud to stand with you.

The revised bidding process for Brooklyn’s Long Island College Hospital (LICH) got off to a strong start on Monday as a number of potential bidders heard from LICH supporters about why the hospital is a compelling investment – and why it should remain a full-service hospital.Moderated by New York City Public Advocate Letitia James, LICH’s doctors, nurses and health care workers described LICH’s dedicated staff, high standards of excellence and proud history, while community groups painted a picture of the money-making opportunities offered by a well-run hospital in the center of Brooklyn's affluent and rapidly-growing Brownstone belt. 
The forum took place at the SUNY College of Optometry in Manhattan. Lora Lefebvre, SUNY’s Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, welcomed the participants. 
Observers in the auditorium buzzed as they recognized not only participants from an earlier round of SUNY’s RFP (Request for Proposals), but new faces, including Toll Brother and Memorial Sloan Kettering. 
Those presenting at the forum had fought a year-long battle against SUNY’s attempts to close LICH. These included Public Advocate James, six community groups; Concerned Physicians of LICH; New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) and 1199 SEIU healthcare workers union.
The full, long article is worth reading.  Kudos to the Brooklyn Eagle for the in-depth reporting on LICH.  It's great to have a newspaper doing real reporting in Brooklyn.

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