Saturday, March 1, 2014

Recchia Launches Campaign Against Grimm

Domenic Recchia Launches Congressional Bid Against Michael Grimm
Embattled scandal generator and GOP congressman Michael Grimm arguably wasn't been ready for prime time.  Soap operas, after all, run in the afternoon.  But Brooklyn and Staten Island now will have an opportunity to change the channel in November now that Domenic Recchia has officially launched his campaign for the seat.
Vowing to work to combat partisan gridlock and conduct himself "honorably" in Washington, Domenic Recchia launched his congressional bid against incumbent Republican Representative Michael Grimm this afternoon. Standing in front of his mother's Staten Island home with dozens of supporters, Mr. Recchia, a Democrat and former Brooklyn councilman, made clear his playbook for his uphill challenge against Mr. Grimm: slam the Republican for his party's perceived intransigence and highlight Mr. Grimm's personal imbroglios.
Grimm is a soft candidate: gaffe prone, under federal investigation and hated by the GOP establishment on SI.  I'm willing to bet Recchia knocks Grimm off, assuming Grimm is still the GOP candidate come November.  Which is not a given.

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