Friday, March 21, 2014

Move-NY Launches Listening Tour For Fair Transportation Plan For NYC Region

I'll have more on this over the weekend, but over the last year the Move-NY team has seriously streamlined and focused Sam Schwartz's equitable tolling plan into a truly compelling platform.  The plan addresses the historical quirks that result in our current highly unfair and illogical tolling scheme by wiping the slate clean and implementing a tolling scheme that would distribute the burden fairly throughout the region.
A rational toll distribution would raise an additional $1.5 Billion while cutting tolls at crossings further from the CBD and/or poorly served by transit.
Move-NY will take the rest of the year to solicit further input and gather support from stakeholders around the region.  There's something in this plan for everyone, and already the group has built a broad coalition.  I have a hard time imagining that the Move-NY plan or something very close to what was presented does not pass in 2015.

Long-suffering transportation planners and transit enthusiasts may finally have found a sustainable stream of funding for state of good repair and improvements to NYC's transportation networks.  Stay tuned for more.

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