Friday, March 28, 2014

College: Minor League Farm System

Minor League
The NCAA is an exploitative system. Allowing players to unionize is a good first step. NCAA sports are not an extracurricular activity - they're a multi-billion dollar industry.

The Antitrust Today law blog has a deeper look at the subject:
The well-reasoned decision by a regional director of the NLRB was premised on a flat-out rejection of the notion that big-time college sports are amateur pursuits by “student-athletes” who are students first, and athletes a distant second.
The NLRB found the opposite to be the case – that in every way, the university and its scholarship athletes have an employer/employee relationship where academics and student status play little, if any role.  The NLRB pointed to the following for support:
●  These sports programs bring in a massive amount of revenues to their universities, with Northwestern generating $235 million over the past 10 years through ticket sales, television contracts, merchandise sales and licensing agreements.
●  In exchange for the athletic services they provide, players receive substantial compensation in the form of scholarships which can amount to as much as $76,000 per year in the form of tuition, fees, room, board and books.
●  The coaching staff has “strict and exacting control” over “every aspect of the players’ private lives” throughout the entire year.
●  The players devote 40 to 50 hours per week to their sports duties – with academics often taking a back seat – despite the NCAA’s rules that are supposed to limit to 20 hours a week the amount of time athletes play or practice.
The NLRB’s 24-page ruling severely undermines the NCAA’s claims that its collegiate athletes are all “amateurs.”  This spells trouble for the NCAA in defending its practices in numerous pending antitrust cases, where the NCAA has touted maintaining “amateurism” as the primary procompetitive justification for its rules restricting collegiate athletes’ compensation.
To be sure, the NLRB’s ruling does not end the controversy over the NCAA’s “amateurism” rules.  Northwestern University will undoubtedly appeal the decision.  The ruling only covers scholarship athletes.  And, it has no direct implications for state universities, which are governed by their own set of labor laws.

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