Thursday, March 20, 2014

DeBlasio Signs Expanded Sick Day Into Law

Bill de Blasio Signs His First Bill at Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory
Chris Quinn and Bloomberg did everything possible to kill, delay, and water this down.  But in the end they lost, and the working people of New York won.  We all win, actually, when sick people aren't forced to go to work.  For example the coughing guy sitting next to you on the subway, or the sneezing one making your lunch. 

But the bigger victory is treating people just a little more like human beings, and removing a source of misery and anxiety from workers lives.
"The new bill, which will go into effect April 1, will apply to almost all workers at businesses with five or more employees, expanding the right to paid sick leave to 200,000 additional New Yorkers. "April 1st will be day where we'll fundamentally change the lives of hundreds of thousands of New York families," declared the mayor, who added that he could "not be more honored" that the first bill of his administration was the expanded paid sick law. Unlike most bill signings during previous administrations, which took place at ceremonies in City Hall's Blue Room, Mr. de Blasio set up a formal signing desk in a large, empty industrial space inside the building."
The ice cream social was a nice touch.  

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