Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today's Worst Person In The World: Tony Blair

Tony Blair advised Rebekah Brooks to launch a "Hutton style" inquiry into phone hacking at the News of the World at the height of the scandal over the issue, according to an email that has emerged at the Old Bailey trial. The revelation emerged in an email that was read to the jury in the hacking trial on Wednesday, and followed what Brooks said was an hour-long phone call. According to the email, sent the day after the News of the World's final issue and six days before Brooks was arrested, Blair also told her he was "available" to her and Rupert and James Murdoch as an "unofficial adviser" on a "between us" basis.
Of course the Conservative Party was right for all the wrong reasons.  Which is usually the case in the rare circumstance that the Conservatives are right about anything.
Tony Blair was the UK's insidious DLC/Third Way type.  I remember what I perceived to be an unfair and scurrilous attack ad (pictured above) against him that, in the fullness of time, looks a lot more valid today.  Quite a statesman he turned out to be, backing the Iraq War lies, plunging himself deeply into the sordid affairs of various Murdochs.

Via Atrios:
Tony Blair advised Rebekah Brooks to launch a "Hutton style" inquiry into phone hacking at the News of the World at the height of the scandal over the issue, according to an email that has emerged at the Old Bailey trial. The revelation emerged in an email that was read to the jury in the hacking trial on Wednesday, and followed what Brooks said was an hour-long phone call. According to the email, sent the day after the News of the World's final issue and six days before Brooks was arrested, Blair also told her he was "available" to her and Rupert and James Murdoch as an "unofficial adviser" on a "between us" basis.

Not to mention, Wendi. (Allegedly.)

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