Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New York City's Billionaire Owned Vanity Press

Donald Trump's Son-in-Law's Newspaper Just Happens to Defend Trump With Every Ounce of Its Being
Well, thank god we have these bastions of journalistic integrity to speak truth to power. Right?

Quick, get us more updates on Forkgate and MarciaKramerHatchetPiece-gate!
To borrow a phrase from the Observer, though, "questions loom." The paper admits that the first reporter assigned to the story backed out after getting "spooked." As such, Michael Craig, whose sole byline adorns the piece, told Buzzfeed that Observer editor-in-chief Ken Kurson, a former Republican strategist and longtime friend of the Kushner family, contributed reporting. Last year, Trump, made the paper's list of "The Most Influential New Yorkers of the Past 25 Years." His daughter Ivanka, who is publisher Jared Kushner's wife, along with various other Friends of Kushner, rounded out the accompanying "Next 25: Rising Stars" list.
A lengthy hit piece on Eric Schneiderman, to go along with the daily hit pieces on deBlasio, Melissa Mark-Viverito, and various and sundry other progressive pols.  These papers are not neutral, disinterested parties.

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