Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dredging Permit Sought For Gowanus Canal

Unfortunately the details that I wanted to post were not copy-able from the pdf, so I'm just linking to the document.  PDF warning!  The details start on page 4.  

The short version is 9,400 cubic yards of dredging, from an area 825 feet long by 100 feet wide, to a depth of 5.7 feet, to be dewatered on a barge in the 6th Street basin.  Then a sand cap and a 200'x100' concrete/cable mat at the head of the canal to prevent erosion or "scouring" of the sand cap.

Check out the whole doc and get your comments in writing to the Army Corps of Engineers postmarked before February 27, 2014.

In replying refer to:
Public Notice Number: NAN-2012-01342-EHA
Issue Date: January 28, 2014
Expiration Date: February 27, 2014

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