Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Billionaire-Owned Vanity Press Attacks AG Schneiderman, Hilarity Ensues

Emails Show How Donald Trump's Enemy Became the Observer's Enemy
The Observer's ham-fisted attack on NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is so clumsy and so obvious it's embarrassing.  The PR equivalent of pulling a pin on a grenade and dropping it in your own foxhole.
On Tuesday, the desiccated ruin of the New York Observer published a bizarre, hilariously facile takedown of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, accusing him of using his office to wage politically motivated prosecutions. Speaking of motives, the piece relied largely on the testimony of the racist birther Donald Trump, whom Schneiderman's office sued in August over allegations of fraud at Trump's for-profit education venture, Trump University. Donald Trump is, among many other things, the father of Ivanka Trump, who is married to the Observer's owner, Jared Kushner.
Scoring on your own goal. 

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