Thursday, January 9, 2014

Merry Christmas, Recchia! Grimm Lashes Self To Mast Of SS Christie

Michael Grimm Has Chris Christie's Back on Bridgegate
Grimm is going down this year. And he appears determined to make it a spectacular loss.
GOP Congressman Michael Grimm released a statement today praising Mr. Christie after he fired a top aide, arguing that the Republican governor knew nothing about her ploy to punish the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, New Jersey, for backing Mr. Christie's gubernatorial rival.  "Governor Christie demonstrated true leadership and accountability during today's press conference," Mr. Grimm declared in a statement. "I have known Governor Christie since he was a United States Attorney with a distinguished anti-corruption record and I was an undercover agent working a high profile public corruption case with his office. I know him to be a man of unquestionable honor and ironclad integrity, and I take him at his word."
We'd be well rid of both of them.

1 comment:

  1. Christie and Grimm are two of a kind. It takes a thug to kow a thug.
