Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And If We Listened To The NYT Editorial Page, Chris Quinn Would Be Mayor Right Now

Morning Read: 'Joseph Crowley Has Loosened a Sustained Yowl'
So take their latest advice with a grain of salt.  The Editors are desperately out of touch with the people of New York City.  Andy Rosenthal needs to get out more.
"It's troubling enough having a speaker who is handpicked by the mayor," opined the New York Times on Mayor Bill de Blasio's Mark-Viverito advocacy. "Council members should consider the reputation and legislative record offered by Mr. Garodnick, who seems the better choice." But Times columnist Michael Powell took a different tack, sarcastically portraying the Garodnick forces as "alpha dogs" finding an old-fashioned turf war. "From deepest Queens, Representative Joseph Crowley has loosened a sustained yowl of outrage," he wrote, for instance, later describing Mr. Crowley as speaking "with a deep growl."

Frankly, I'm not sure I'd want a Third Way co-chair deciding who's going to run the City Council.

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