Friday, January 17, 2014

Boo Hoo Hoo: Council Fight Losers Lament Lack Of Influence

Members Criticize Paid Sick Day Deal for Lack of Transparency
Shocking that the new Mayor and new Council Speaker did not run the decision past their carping dissenters first.  Because let's be honest - the real complaint is that they weren't given an opportunity to water down or otherwise derail part of the Mayor (and Speaker's) clearly stated agenda.

This legislation has been part of the agenda from the get-go.  Aside perhaps from the timing, or the announcement, it is a surprise to no one.  News flash: You lost the election and the speaker fight.  The constant anonymous whining only serves to make you look sad and desperate.
The pair is set to announce a deal this afternoon to dramatically expand mandatory paid sick leave--one of Mr. de Blasio's key campaign promises. But many council members--including even members of Ms. Mark-Viverito's Progressive Caucus--were not consulted on the deal or even made aware of its existence until late last night, when they began receiving calls inviting them to a 1 p.m. press conference in Bushwick to announce it. "Very few council members were consulted or even in the loop on this deal," said one source familiar with the deal, who said the "top-down approach" had rubbed many the wrong way.

Like I said months ago, it's going to be a long 4-8 years of this whinging.  But that's a small price to pay for actual progress.

1 comment:

  1. Early yet. A lot of new people just settling into new roles. They'll know better next time.

