Monday, December 16, 2013

The Privatization Myth

In theory, these contractors are supposed to save taxpayer money, as efficient, bottom-line-oriented corporate behemoths. In reality, they end up costing twice as much as civil servants, according to research by Professor Paul C. Light of New York University and others has shown. Defense contractors like Boeing and Northrop Grumman cost almost three times as much.
Fiscally conservative looters and moochers.  They care about three things: (1) cutting taxes for the rich (2) funneling public funds to their wealthy friends and (3) kicking the poors.  That is all.  Privatization isn't about efficiency.  It's about the grift, and about gutting unions.
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In theory, these contractors are supposed to save taxpayer money, as efficient, bottom-line-oriented corporate behemoths. In reality, they end up costing twice as much as civil servants, according to research by Professor Paul C. Light of New York University and others has shown. Defense contractors like Boeing and Northrop Grumman cost almost three times as much.

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