Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Day In NYC - Vote!

So, when you go to pull the lever for Bill deBlasio today, you'll find that we're back to the dreaded optical scanning ballots.  And that the process is rife with incompetence and headaches.  But you're going to do it anyway, with a smile, because we're going to usher in a new chapter in NYC history.

Mrs. Firstandcourt reports from the trenches:
They were packed and there were people waiting when I got there at 6:02am.  It was exciting to see so many people out so early. That being said, there were 2 women manning the table to sign in. I gave my name. It took her a good minute to find me as she verbally recited the alphabet repeatedly. Then I saw my name and pointed it out. She then started filling out my card with the slowest most deliberate writing. Then she started filling out the roster. Under YOUR name. I corrected her. Then she ripped out the incorrect voting page. Then I was directed to 'either of the privacy booths' when there are probably 8. Then the privacy booths had no pens. Then one of the 2 scanners wasn't working. Awesome way to start the process. The lines later are going to be ridiculous.
There are two lessons to be learned here.  One - our elections have a lot of room for improvement.  Two - allow yourself extra time to vote!

I am humbly urging you to consider voting the following candidates on the Working Families line:
For Mayor

For Comptroller
For Public Advocate

For Borough President

For District Attorney

For City Council District 39

As for the ballot initiatives . . . vote your conscience.  Even as an active and engaged voter I was learning about most of the ballot propositions for the first time only yesterday.  I'll be voting no on the casinos, not because I oppose gambling per se but because casinos are a terrible way to promote economic development and fund education, and more generally the negatives far outweigh the positives.  And if NJ's experience is any indicator, they will prove to be hungry for public subsidies of various types as well.  It's another corporate welfare industry that we don't need.

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