Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The United States Committed Torture And Everyone Knows It

Speaking of torture
But we are preventing the tortured from telling the military tribunals about it on the specious grounds of national security.  This is an absolute disgrace and antithetical to our legal system.
"On Tuesday, October 22, the lawyers for the September 11 accused argued that the Guantanamo military commissions' protective order violates the United Nations Convention Against Torture. The protective order states that the defendant's "observations and experiences" of torture at CIA black sites are classified. Defense counsel say that this violates the Convention Against Torture's requirement that victims of torture have "a right to complain" to authorities in the countries where they are tortured, and makes the commission into "a co-conspirator in hiding evidence of war crimes." It is not only the defendants' lawyers who object to the protective order. The ACLU has called the restrictions on detainees' testimony "chillingly Orwellian." Earlier this year, the Constitution Project's bipartisan, independent Task Force on Detainee Treatment (for which I served as staff investigator) found that the military commissions' censorship of detainees' descriptions of their own torture could not be justified on grounds of national security, and violated "the public's First Amendment right of access to those proceedings, the detainees' right to counsel, and counsel's First Amendment rights." "
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