Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Coveted New York Times Endorsement (and less-coveted tabloid endorsements)

So after all three major newspapers endorsed Chris Quinn, she lost.  And after all three major newspapers endorsed Dan Squadron, he lost.  In each case the major dailies went with the more establishment candidate, in a time and a place where the people are crying out for a change.

I have to say that makes my heart sing.  The billionaire publishers of these papers don't control the discourse in this city, and they don't control the electorate.  You don't run this city, Pinch.  You can go fly a kite, Mort. And well . . . you know where you can go, Rupert.

Go ahead.  Double down on Joe Lhota in the general, and watch your relevance continue its steady drip into the gutter.  You no longer have an iron grip on the narrative.

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