Thursday, October 3, 2013

deBlasio Crushing Lhota In Polls

New York City (NYC) Poll - October 3, 2013 - de Blasio Landslide Buries Lho | Quinnipiac University Connecticut
I think the actual race will be closer, but the only real question is the degree of severity of the beating Lhota will receive.  Will it be a garden variety whuppin, or a good old fashioned curb stomping?

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio's landslide is picking up speed in the New York City mayoral race and threatens to bury Republican Joseph Lhota 71 - 21 percent among likely voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Independence Party candidate Adolfo Carrion has 2 percent. 
There is a small gender gap and a larger racial gap: White voters support de Blasio 55 - 40 percent while black voters back the Democrat 90 - 6 percent, with Hispanic support at 79 - 10 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. 

Only 5 percent of voters remain undecided, but 11 percent of voters who name a candidate say there is "good chance" they will change their mind in the next five weeks. 
For the hundredth time, I don't know what Lhota was thinking.  He had a great role to play at MTA, and he abandoned ship like Sarah Palin for this suicide run.  At least Palin grifted a TV deal out of it.

And don't get me started on that total jackass Carrion.  The guy appears to have suffered a blow to the head sometime shortly after Obama tapped him for that federal gig and has been delusional, confused and incoherent ever since. 

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