Wednesday, September 11, 2013

There Will Be No Mayoral Runoff

RWDSU and UFCW Get Behind Bill de Blasio Too
Thompson will drop out before the week is out.  Of course, that means unless Squadron takes one for the team, the City will spend $20 million on a runoff election for an office with a $2.5 million annual budget.  I hope Dan (whom I know and like personally) thinks hard about the calculus here. If he stays in and loses, it will come back to haunt him.  It's a tough call.
"The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union and United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1500 have joined SEIU 32BJ in endorsing Mr. de Blasio, sending a not-so-subtle hint to his Democratic rival Bill Thompson, who is waiting to see if he can eke into a runoff election. "The consensus was that clearly Bill de Blasio won the race. We all need to get behind this candidate and we think he would make an excellent mayor for all New York," RWDSU's spokeswoman told Politicker this evening shortly after the decision was made."
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