Wednesday, September 11, 2013

NSA Spying Is A Dystopian Nightmare Out Of Mao's China

Imagine the Informants You Can Coerce When You Spy on Every Single American
Only now it's automated - there's no need to peek in your neighbor's window to make sure he's watching dear leader's speech.  This is an evil system with no place in an open society.
"Which means the real utility of this program has been about something else. The ability to track the relationships of every single American. And they were using it to find informants. Even while the number of terrorists this program discovers has been minimal, the number of FBI informants has ballooned, to 15,000. And those informants are trumping up increasingly ridiculous plots in the name of fighting terrorism. The ability to track the relationships of every single American (or now, a huge subset of Americans, focusing largely on Muslims and those with international ties). And they were using it to find informants."
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Shared from the Digg iPhone app

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