Monday, September 16, 2013

New York's EDCs and a Paucity of Ideas

Thoughts on getting to, and around, Staten Island
Whatever the problem, the NYS and NYC EDCs solution always seems to involve a ton of parking.  One of  the things I'm looking forward to under a new mayor is a shakeup of the status quo.
"There's no easy solution to this problem, and many Staten Islanders are OK with that. They don't necessarily want the density that comes with transit or the crowds that come with tourist attractions. The city though is intent on turning at least a part of Staten Island into a destination for better or worse, but they're doing it without addressing fundamental problems of access and accessibility. We may not want a giant Ferris wheel sitting in the harbor, vulnerable to whatever weather may come its way, and we certainly don't want a Ferris wheel, mall and hotel without a way to get there that doesn't involve more cars on the road. But that's what we're on the verge of getting."
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