Monday, September 30, 2013

Gowanus Canal Superfund Plan Is Set

A Monumental Day For Gowanus: EPA Releases Its Finalized Plan To Clean Up the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site
It's been a long few years but things have been progressing steadily.  Now the EPA has released their Record Of Decision for the Gowanus Canal Superfund cleanup.  It's amazing what a well organized community can get accomplished. In 8-10 more years and we'll have a much cleaner canal.
"The ROD represents the blue print for the remediation. The clean-up will cost $506 million, last 8 to 10 years and will include dredging of the toxic material, caping, controls to reduce sources of contamination from uplands, as well as removal of contamination from the 1st Street Basin. Most importantly, the ROD will address and control the flow of contaminated sewage solids from the Combined Sewer Overflow. The EPA is requiring that discharges from two major outflows be captured in retention basins . This will reduce CSOs in the canal by an estimated 58 to 74%."
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