Friday, August 30, 2013

Two More Polls Put deBlasio In 1st

Two New Polls Put de Blasio in Lead, Quinn in Third
And Quinn at 17% in each of them.  Nice to be vindicated on this point.  The incessant press coverage of Quinn as prohibitive frontrunner, which was never true, really grated on me last year.
Two more polls have Public Advocate Bill de Blasio far ahead of his Democratic rivals less than two weeks before the primary--with former front-runner Christine Quinn now lagging in third. According to a new New York Times/Siena College poll out this morning, Mr. de Blasio is now head-and-shoulders above his rivals, with 32 percent of the vote. Former Comptroller Bill Thompson and Ms. Quinn appear to be fighting it out to for a slot in the expected run-off, with Mr. Thompson at 18 percent and Ms. Quinn at 17 percent.
Let's put the Bloomberg era behind us once and for all.  No fourth term for Quinnberg.

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