Friday, August 9, 2013

The Dangers of Secrecy

Ellsberg, Kissinger, and the cultural danger of extreme secrecy in government, by @DavidOAtkins

A good read. 

"It is possible that the world is so terrifying that anyone privileged enough to know the details would support what the NSA is doing. But the problem is that none of us mere mortals have any information on that one way or another, and asking us to just trust the privileged few is wholly unacceptable. It's not just that it's a violation of the basic principles of our democracy. It's also that financial, military and governmental elites haven't exactly had the greatest track record. There's no reason to believe them when they say they need these powers, and there's no reason that even if they're sincere in their conviction that their wisdom and judgment is superior to that of the wisdom of crowds."

Ellsberg, Kissinger, and the cultural danger of extreme secrecy in government by David Atkins I recently came across an old Kevin Drum column from 2010 that deserves more attention in the wake of …

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