Thursday, August 29, 2013

NSA Security Is Ridiculously Poor

Edward Snowden Accused of Pretending to Be Top NSA Officials
Damage a 12?  These asshats should be thanking god that Snowden exposed their preposterously bad security before some foreign government mole got in and cranked it up to infinity.
"The NSA still isn't exactly sure about what Edward Snowden knows, but one former U.S. intelligence official told NBC News, "The damage, on a scale of 1 to 10, is a 12." Anonymous officials also said, according to a new report, that Snowden, while working as a system administrator at Booz Allen, "borrowed the identities of users with higher level security clearances to grab sensitive documents," and that the ongoing forensic investigation "has already identified several instances where Snowden borrowed someone else's user profile to access documents.""

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