Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Design For Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 6

The latest schematic for Pier 6.
No time frame reported that I noticed, and nothing that blows my socks off, but I'm looking forward to some more park.  And it beats the salt marsh they were originally proposing for the site.  From the Brooklyn Eagle:
BBP honchos unveiled design drawings at a Community Board 2 meeting Monday night – revealing plans for an inviting piece of parkland where visitors will sit or stroll, with a vast lawn, generous helpings of shade trees and a big field of meadow flowers.
Its most dramatic feature is a triangular wood-covered platform that lifts off from a corner of the pier at the water's edge like a barely tethered magic carpet. At its high point, the platform rises 17-and-a-half feet, offering a vantage point to take in killer views of the Lower Manhattan skyline.

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