Tuesday, July 23, 2013

LICH - Still Alive - deBlasio's Efforts Yielding Results

From my inbox - a little good news:

SUNY's plans to close LICH received a major setback today as Bill Deblasio's legal team were successful in stopping SUNY from vacating Judge Baynes's temporary restraining order. 
Once again, SUNY has failed to persuade a judge of the legality of their plans and efforts to close the hospital. Appellate Division Judge Robert Miller ordered the SUNY to the maintain services and staff that were in place on Friday, July19. 

Of course Assemblywoman Joan Millman, State Senator Dan Squadron, Councilmembers Brad Lander and Steve Levin and a whole host of community activists too numerous to count deserve a lot of praise for the ongoing efforts to keep LICH alive.

When my then one-year-old daughter couldn't breathe and was gasping for air in the middle of the night I was fortunate to have LICH right down the road.  My family is grateful to all those fighting a state bureaucracy that sees a collection of assets to be raided, rather than a facility for serving our community.  Please keep up the fight.

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