Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quinn In The Hot Seat After Halloran Disgrace

As I've been telling you for months now, Christine Quinn does not have the primary support that the polls and press coverage would have you believe. 

This is a tiny sliver of the electorate we're talking about: in 2009 (if memory serves, I've repressed it as best I could) turnout was only 11%. And that's 11% of registered Democrats.  This is going to be a ground war, and meanwhile everyone's artillery is aimed at Quinn
But Ms. Quinn may ultimately be more vulnerable to attacks on a different issue: her vote in 2008 to overturn the city's term limits law and allow Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to seek a third term.At a candidate forum on Wednesday, Mr. Thompson called the episode a disgrace; Mr. de Blasio said the speaker had "undermined the democratic process." Ms. Quinn, who defended her decision, was met with loud jeers from the left-leaning crowd. It was one of the most blistering receptions she has received on the campaign trail thus far.
Bill deBlasio is going to be the Democratic candidate for mayor. And then he'll be the first Democratic mayor we've had in 20 years. 

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