Tuesday, March 5, 2013

MTA Second Avenue Subway Updates - New Photos

Wouldn't be awesome if they left one of these caverns mostly roughed out, with all the functionality installed, but only minimal cosmetic work so that it felt like a giant bat cave? Photo Credit: MTA/Patrick Cashin.
Second Avenue Sagas has an update on the progress of the Second Ave Subway.
With approximately 45 months to go before Phase 1 of the Second Ave. Subway is ready for revenue service, the MTA has a status update for infrastructure watchers. A new photoset documents the station cavern excavation process at 86th St. With the lawsuit surrounding station entrances resolved, work has been steadily moving forward.
Meanwhile, for residents around the 72nd St. area — where giant structures loom over the avenue — a relief from blasting has arrived. The MTA officially proclaimed blasting in the area over as of last Thursday. The final charged was for an elevator entrance at the southeast corner of 72nd St. and 2nd Ave. As you may recall, an explosion went awry in the area last August.
Along with some concerns about the sequester and the future of the Second Avenue Line.

We ought to be talking now about the funding for Phases 2,3 and 4 of the SAS - and thinking about the north and south extensions of the line to The Bronx and Brooklyn.  And I still haven't given up hope for an extension (of some line) to Staten Island some day.

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