Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CB6 Transportation Committee Meeting Thursday 2/21

This meeting has two key items on the agenda, both of which deserve support.  The PARK Smart program has been rolled out on commercial corridors in Park Slope with success.  My only complaint with the program is that the City should experiment with a more aggressive pricing to see if the benefits are greater.  Look, nobody likes to feed a meter.  As a society we've gotten so used to free parking in so many contexts that people don't appreciate that that space on the street belongs to all of us and it has value.  And if increasing the meter price on a congested commercial strip means a reduction in traffic and makes it easier to find a space when you really need one, I'm all for it.  The role of Muni-Meters is key in this.  The Muni-Meters make it possible to pay for parking conveniently with a credit card or coins; thus an increase in rates doesn't mean require a driver to carry around a pound of quarters.  

Less controversial is the build out of the Brooklyn Greenway to Valentino Park.  Truly an excellent project that has already done much to open up the Brooklyn Waterfont to public recreational use . . . with much more to come in the future.
 Presentation and discussion with representatives for the Department of Transportation on a proposal to implement the PARK Smart program along the Court and Smith Street corridors, between Atlantic Avenue and Sackett Street in Cobble Hill.
 Update and presentation from representatives for the Department of Transportation on the department's Atlantic Basin/Red Hook Greenway project.
   Long Island College Hospital
   339 Hicks Street, Room A
   (at Atlantic Avenue)
   Brooklyn, NY 11201
   6:30 PM

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