Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MTA Builds Bridge to Future With No-Cash Tolls - Metropolis - WSJ

Cashless tolling set to begin one year pilot on the Henry Hudson. No
one enjoys paying tolls, but they serve a useful purpose: raising
funds and assigning direct costs to driving behavior.

Growing up in NJ and dependent on the Garden State Parkway, I HATED
tolls. Partly because my dad gated tolls, but mostly because of the
maddening inconvenience and obvious waste involved.

As an ADT I've grown to appreciate the value of tolls. But I still
hate the friction in the process. On the GSP Gov. McGreevey halved
the toll plazas and doubled the tolls, which made the drive much more
bearable. Then they added high speed tolling via EZPass, and suddenly
it's like an early 90s AT&T commercial.

It's past time to bring this technology to NYC … and to start tolling
those free East River crossings. Actually, it's time the MTA and Port
Authority sat down together to lay out a fair and comprehensive
tolling scheme for their combined NY-Metro portfolios.


Typos courtesy of my iPhone

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