Friday, January 29, 2010

New Signal Timing at Atlantic and Court Street Intersection

This should improve pedestrian safety at this busy intersection. From NYCDOT:

Please be advised that yesterday, January 28th, NYCDOT changed the
signal timing at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Court Street.
The new signal phasing replaces the former "lagging" westbound left turn
phase (which followed the east-west phase on Atlantic Avenue), with a
"leading" westbound left turn phase, (which precedes the east-west phase
on Atlantic Avenue) . During this leading phase, westbound through
movements have a green light as well. A leading pedestrian interval
(LPI) across Atlantic Avenue is also provided to minimize conflicts
between crossing pedestrian and vehicles turning from Court Street to
Atlantic Avenue.

We believe these changes will make the intersection more legible to
pedestrians and promote their safety. We would be interested to hear
any feedback you receive on these changes.

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