Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday: Cobble Hill Book Swap

The Cobble Hill Association is sponsoring a free Book Swap on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at the Long Island College Hospital (LICH) Sitting Park located at Henry and Pacific Streets in Cobble Hill, from 11 AM until 3 PM.

The idea for the Book Swap is simple: bring a book and get a book. LICH staff members will also be on hand to meet the community and will conduct free blood pressure screening and an asthma information table at the park. Books will also be available for sale at $1 or less. All proceeds and remainder books will be donated to the Hospital by the Cobble Hill Association.

This low-key, neighborly event is the perfect time to meet neighbors and support our local hospital, too. In case of rain, the Book Swap will be held at the same time and place the following Saturday, October 24th.

To check on rain status that day contact:
To volunteer, please contact Margaret Ablon or Judi Francis at 718.855.3982


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