Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Gowanus Lounge: Upcoming Community Board 6 Meetings

The Gowanus Lounge: Upcoming Community Board 6 Meetings

Sigh. I always seem to have another commitment for the good meetings. The Gowanus rezoning is a big deal for the 'hood.

But I should be able to make the Public Forum on June 11th on same-sex marriage. It's ridiculous in this day and age that gays don't have equal marriage rights. Spitzer is doing the right thing:

June 11 Public Forum--On Gov. Eliot Spitzer's bill to amend the New York State domestic relations law in relation to the ability to marry, which would provide same-sex couples the same opportunity to enter into civil marriages as opposite-sex couples. CB6's Executive Committee will convene after the Public Hearing to formulate its recommendation. The meeting will take place at Park Slope United Methodist Church, which is located at 410 6th Avenue (between 7th/8th Streets). It starts at 6PM.

1 comment:

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