Thursday, May 30, 2013

Three Story Commercial Build for Atlantic Avenue?

Those are double height commercial floors, so more like a 5-6 story
building height equivalent.

I'll be glad to see that parking lot go. Atlantic Avenue has changed
so much in the last 10 years.

Typos courtesy of my iPhone

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Regency Carts Sale Hits Public Records

Big sale in Gowanus. I've had my eye on this Carroll Street building
site for a long time.

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A Rare, Pristine Subway Station: See It While You Can -

Smith-9th Street getting some attention and runway moment from the NYT. 

"But for now, and perhaps for a limited time only, the Smith-Ninth Street station high above the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, recently reopened beneficiary of a two-year-long, $32 million renovation project, is the mass-transit portal of many New Yorkers' dreams.

So if you want to experience a fresh, pristine New York City subway station – before the tracks become covered with brake dust, trash and rat prints, and the walls and windows defaced by man and nature – you'd better get on it."

Click through for photo gallery. 

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Great Clusterfooga

From mcBrooklyn:
"After theGreat GoogsMooga food fest, "Nethermead meadow is in severe distress and is in far worse condition than it was left in from the fiasco last year," parks advocate Anne-Katrin Titze told Brooklyn Magazine.

Sections of the Nethermead will be off limits for most of the summer while the meadow is reseeded."

This is the sort of event that should be taking place down at the Red Hook cruise ship terminal. 

Typos courtesy of my iPhone

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Severe Torrent of Feces Watch

"Kings County
Flash Flood Warning in effect until 5:30PM EDT THU"

Which means even as I typed this, vile torrents of feces are exploding forth from CSO outfalls into the Gowanus Canal.*


* and from many, many other locations around NYC and the metropolitan area. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In Mayoral Race, de Blasio’s Focus Is Beyond Manhattan -

The New York Times profiles the next mayor of New York, Bill deBlasio:

"Mr. de Blasio likens Mr. Bloomberg, in approach if not results, to Robert Moses, and has amassed a running tally of the indignities and inequities in four boroughs: a yawning income gap, a surge in fines for small businesses, slighted schools and inadequate early childhood education.

He envisions an activist city government that addresses those disparities head on. Alone among the Democratic field, he calls for a tax increase on the rich, to bankroll universal prekindergarten."

Saturday, May 18, 2013

1199 SEIU Endorses Bill de Blasio | Politicker

A good week for New York's next Mayor.
"Public Advocate Bill de Blasio's campaign for mayor got a significant
boost Friday, with the endorsement of the city's largest union: 1199

On the local front, deBlasio also received the endorsement of IND
Brooklyn (Independent Neighborhood Democrats) Thursday night. The
Quinn camp attempted to pack the club, but couldn't pull it off.

Typos courtesy of my iPhone

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reconnecting the Subway with the Sky | ArchDaily

Article on lighting effects of the Oculus at the forthcoming Fulton
Street Transit Center.

"Central to this effort is an entry and retail pavilion containing an
eight-story dome capped with a glass oculus. The dome's interior
surface is lined with a cable net whose nearly 1,000 anodized aluminum
panels redirect sunlight into the subway system below.The cable net
and cladding system was based on a concept by James Carpenter Design

Typos courtesy of my iPhone

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Adolfo CarriĆ³n Raises Less Than $20,000 in Latest Period | Politicker

Carrion is just a fancy word for "dead meat".

"Mayoral candidate Adolfo Carrión Jr. raised just $18,000 over the
latest fundraising period, his campaign announced on Monday."

I'm still trying to figure out what game this guy is playing.

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Serious Flooding in Gowanus Last Week

I missed it, because I was traveling. FYI, the flooding that occurred along Fourth Avenue is something that will be addressed by the High Level Storm Sewers the DEP announced to CB6 in 2011 and/or 2012. They will be implemented in two phases starting this year (Phase 1) and 2020 (Phase 2).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Trillion Cicadas Are About to Take Over the East Coast

Blogging from the west coast. I hope the cicadas wait for me to get back!

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One Trillion Cicadas Are About to Take Over the East Coast

According to the Smithsonian Institution researcher Gary Hevel, one trillion cicadas—a giant insect the size of a human finger—are about to take over the East Coast. Some had said it would be a mere 30 billion, which were already enough bugs to go to the moon and back. How gross this could be? University of Maryland entomologist Mike Raupp says "there will be some places where it's wall-to-wall cicadas." [io9]



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Friday, May 3, 2013

John Liu ‘Deeply Saddened’ by Guilty Verdicts but Vows to Soldier On | Politicker

I don't expect further shoes to drop (not saying they can't or won't,
I just am not expecting them). But you can stick a fork in John Liu's
mayoral campaign.

Typos courtesy of my iPhone

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

National Review: Ted Cruz Mulling Presidential Bid | TPM LiveWire

Something tells me 99% of the cretins who screamed about Obama's birth
certificate will have no problem with Ted Cruz. Funny how that works.

"Cruz isn't worried that his birth certificate will be a problem.
Though he was born in Canada, he and his advisers are confident that
they could win any legal battle over his eligibility. Cruz's mother
was a U.S. citizen when he was born, and he considers himself to be a
natural-born citizen."

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